Congratulations to the 2nd Quarter Spirit Stick winners, the Clinic!
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Martin County Hospital News
August Employee of the Month
Congratulations to our August Employee of the Month Scott Petty!
2nd Quarter Spirit Stick – Clinic!
Congratulations to the 2nd Quarter Spirit Stick winners, the Clinic!
August Employee of the Month
Congratulations to our August Employee of the Month Scott Petty!
2nd Quarter Mission Award Winners
Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Mission Award Winners Tina Columbus, Jeff Lasley and Mirella Valenzuela.
Town Hall Meeting
Town Hall Meeting – Senior Living Options
Martin County Hospital will hold a Town Hall Meeting to gather information regarding community support for Senior Living Options for Martin County. The Board of Directors and staff are gathering information as they study and review possible options for assisted living and nursing home care. Martin County Citizens are encouraged to attend and give their input. All opinions are welcome and will be considered. The meeting will be held on March 2, 2023 at 4:00pm in the MCHD Board Room at 600 Interstate 20 East, Stanton, Texas. For more information, please call (432) 607-3258