Greenwod ISD

The school based clinic is a partnership between Greenwod ISD and Martin County Hospital District to provide medical care at the school campus. Through the use of telemedicine, the healthcare needs of staff and students can be met in a convenient setting with each campus nurse. The clinic’s purpose is to increase the educational success of students and staff by assuring access to healthcare. Early treatment can decrease the need for expensive medical care and unnecessary Emergency Room visits.
How to enroll in the school based clinic
You will use the link below to enroll. Please make sure that you have your ID and
insurance card available if you have one. Once registered the student or staff member can be seen.
$30 visit fee will be collected at time of service. Paid by credit card/ FSA card only. Commercial insurance will be billed for services provided when possible. Each insurance plan is unique, so individual coverage can be discussed prior to service with a MCHD employee.
For billing or insurance questions call 432-607-3225.
Students with private health insurance or are covered under Medicaid will have provided MCHD with that information during enrollment. Co-payment will vary and be discussed prior to the visit. If a student does not have health insurance, we will provide them with options.
HIPAA Privacy Rights
- Dr. Calvin Cargill, Family Practice
- Dr. Hima Parchuri, Family Practice
- Robin Alvarado, FNP, Family Practice
- Dr. Melencio Juan, Family Practice
- Megan Chandler, FNP-C, Family Practice
- Linda Wiebe, FNP-C, Family Practice
- Kasey Ramirez, FNP-C
- Edward Maurice Lopez, FNP-C
- LaTisha Ward, FNP-C
- Alicia Hernandez, FNP-C
- Ashley McClellan, RN